YEAH!!! no school.  :-)  

There is a lot of snow and we are expected to get more tonight through tomorrow.


Joanna said...

Wow! I haven't seen that much snow in Spokane since I was a little girl and we used to build snow tunnels through the snowpiles in the front yard! Pretty!!

Elizabeth said...

that is a lot of snow! I am glad its there and not here.

dad said...

Snow? Oh yeah, I remember. It's kind of hazy though. That's what you get when the ocean water outside my window cools down about 65 degrees.

Kera said...

i really really really wish that i could be there for this. i don't feel like i've been around a good snow year for like ten years. anyway, enjoy it :(

k. said...

Oh my gosh. So much snow.

I love snow, but hate NYC winters. We don't have snow. Just bitter, bitter cold.

Jan said...

What pretty pictures you took! I missed the snow while we were gone...I loved the warm air, the breezes, the temperate waters.....but I really did miss the snow!....Seriously