Here are some pictures of the shop and how it has come along. It truly is amazing and I think to call it just a Shop is an understatement. Any suggestions?

Fireplace in the apartment- 18+ feet tall

Kitchen cabinets- with island. Same as the Greenbluff house

One of the sides of the shop

Open area looking from the Big garage door- into the apartment doors

Looking down from the balcony
Christopher is in the right upper corner

Views from the property


Elizabeth said...

Oh my! That is probably one of the most impressive things I have ever seen. To say how beautiful it is would be an understatement and not do it justice. Thats unbelievable,

Tara Edwards said...

You could call it the studio :) It is a place where beautiful things can be created! Amazing!

Kera said...

I like Studio too.
Pretty amazing. I love the signature fireplace.

Patrick&Kera said...

everything is looking awesome. i can't wait to play capture the flag in the shop this summer :)