Pretty amusing :-)

Not sure what I think about this :-)


Kera said...

man, whoever came up with that is some kind of amazing genius!!!! :) just joking

Jan said...

I remember the book Fascinating Womanhood which was in circulating in the early 60's . It was pretty much along these lines without the last few sentences about being below your husband in value. I think it threw many into the Women's Lib mode.....It just was so wrong.
HOWEVER that being said, men and women are so very different, and there are some things we can do which will reap BIG benefits, ultimately. It's not being less of a woman, but acknowledging our individual needs, and always reaching out to serve and to love uncoditionally.

k. said...

Mom, I think that is sort of crazy. This whole thing makes women appear as stupid servants. But we can talk about that later on the phone. Love you! :)