
So I do enjoy blogging, but enjoy more hearing from people as well.  I see on the Stat Counter lots are looking, but no one comments,,,


Melissa said...

Erin, this is Melissa Gibby, I'm a long time friend of the Hudson family but I actually don't think I have met you. I've checked in on your blog a few times....you have an adorable family! Your girls are so cute! Just thought I would leave you a comment since you are wondering who checks your blog. :)

Jan said...

Hey thank you ,,, can I be put on your invite list to check yours out. I have of course met your parents. Thank you. My comments were more for all my friends and family that want pictures and I put them on and they don't tell me if they saw them :-)

Thank you,, I look forward to looking at your blog.


Melissa said...

I would be happy to send you an invite to our blog...I just need your email. You can leave a comment with your email at www.ericandmelissasmith.blogspot.com and I will send you one. Thanks!!


Mike said...

(cough) pity comment (cough). Kidding! I like the posts, sorry I'm not a good commenter. We're reading, promise...

Phil said...

I'm the world's worst when it comes to even reading blogs, let alone commenting. I need to get up in the middle of the night and cruise through my family's blogs more often.