The shop is 70 X 100

Kitchen and living area with 20 ft. fireplace.  That is a loft above- the white door (which will change color above) leads out to the shop


Tara Edwards said...


Phil said...

You should see it in person! It's amazing. Nothing else like it in Spokane.

Elizabeth said...

so pretty.. You really should contact some builder magazine or home magazine and have it in there when its done or even now it looks good enough unfinished.

Joanna said...

Wow. Looks amazing. I love high ceilings and fire-places. You're so creative with space! Love it.

Kera said...

they should create a "pottery barn - shop" magazine just for this. we miss you guys

Kera said...

The "pottery barn post" was from Patrick.
The shop looks Amazing. Seriously wow. I can't believe how far it has come since we were there.