YEAH!!! no school.  :-)  

There is a lot of snow and we are expected to get more tonight through tomorrow.

2 years is Coming up

Wow, 2 years has flown by.  Sell a house, build a house, sell it too, buy some property, have a baby,  build a shop,,, anything else.  It has been an amazing 2 years. These are some of my favorite pictures.

Not sure why I am up,,,,

So I am up,,, why,,, I have no clue,, I really need to be asleep.  It is 11:30Pm and I am sure that Quincy will be up in a couple hours or so.  I have had a good day,,,with all things considered. These snow days are crazy.  Spokane has had record snow fall and I believe we are expecting more from 1 am till 1pm the next day.  We had some sort of a break today which was good so they could have the roads plowed.  They were still awful. Just like all the stupid drivers.  

I am pretty much rambling and I know I am tired.  So,,enough of my journaling.

Good night

Pretty amusing :-)

Not sure what I think about this :-)

Gorgeous Night

Well, it is still below zero here,,, BURRR ,,, here was a gorgeous sunset the other night,,, 


So in Spokane this morning- it was -2 on my car thermometer. All I have to say is that is way too cold. I would much rather be there;
Cabo San Lucas



He loves the snow!!!

The absolute perfect day- All of the photos are unedited.  Pretty amazing huh? (photos are from last year)


Happy Birthday Avery!

Lots of kids-lots of fun

Quincy and me

Avery's buddy Kade



The shop is 70 X 100

Kitchen and living area with 20 ft. fireplace.  That is a loft above- the white door (which will change color above) leads out to the shop


So I do enjoy blogging, but enjoy more hearing from people as well.  I see on the Stat Counter lots are looking, but no one comments,,,


Here are some pictures of the shop and how it has come along. It truly is amazing and I think to call it just a Shop is an understatement. Any suggestions?

Fireplace in the apartment- 18+ feet tall

Kitchen cabinets- with island. Same as the Greenbluff house

One of the sides of the shop

Open area looking from the Big garage door- into the apartment doors

Looking down from the balcony
Christopher is in the right upper corner

Views from the property


Here are some fun Random pictures

Family friend,,,

I have to say, Danner is such a great family member,,, I would of called her a DOG,, but she gets offended.  She really thinks she is a person.  She is always there and doesn't want to be left out.  This was pretty funny,,, the kids were trying to build an igloo on the deck.  Kind of got distracted and thought it is more fun putting the snow on Danner.  She clearly doesn't mind. :-)

OK,, I am over it :-)

I am over wondering who is out there. :-) It is however very neat to see on the stat counter where everyone is coming from. I love looking at the map to see where everyone comes from. So I know I have been saying for awhile that I will put up pictures,,, so what is my problem. Well first,,, my camera has ran out of battery and I have misplaced the charger,,, no excuse,,, but that is what I am saying. Ok,,, no more excuses. TODAY will be more fun pictures,, I will do that.