Soccer, Soccer, & More Soccer

Well this past mother's day weekend we spent a lot of time watching a four soccer games. It was actually a great weekend for it. The weather was great. Fortunately, Riley was the only one playing so we weren't having to bounce back and forth to 2 different games.

Well, the games were great. Riley played like I had never seen her before. She scored the most goals for her team for the tournament. She was awesome,,,very impressive. The last game for the Championships they did lose so they got 2nd. Regardless, their team has come along way. Last year, they won 2 games out of 12. This year they won all of their league games. Their team has come together well and it is really fun to watch.


k. said...

Hooray for Riley! Wish I could be there to cheer her (them) along.

Jan said...

Yea Riley!!!!!! And yea for your great mommy posting yet another blog. I love it!

Patrick&Kera said...

oh the good old days!! i can't wait to play soccer with them. they'll take me to school for sure!!