Give it a Whirl

Well, Christopher asked me, "why don't you have any time to create a blog?" Well, I guess I will try and do it, but I can't make any promises. I think I have been half way decent in keeping the pictures updated on the house, but I guess there is more going on in our life than building a house,,,,well the house does take up the majority of Christopher's time, but we have lots of other great things going. Hope Everyone is doing Well. Erin


Elizabeth said...

I feel like Kathryn is going to reform the world we will all have blogs. I am excied though it is a great way to keep everyone up to date on life.. I miss you guys give the girls a hug from me.

k. said...

Hooray! I love blogs (clearly). Great way to stay in touch, share pictures, stories, etc.


Patrick&Kera said...

Christopher is doing an amazing job by the way! Can't wait to see you guys