Memorial Weekend

The past weekend was so nice. It is the first time this year that Christopher has taken more than 1 day off, or any days off I should say. We brought the girls, Danner, the 4 wheeler and the new cub cadet. It was great. We went out for a leisurely drive and the Girls, Danner, and Christopher hiked up around and found a moose shed. They were all very excited. The weekend was great we relaxed and hung out. Christopher was able to ride is Motorcycle which made him very happy. Riley was a brave one and jumped in the lake from the edge of the dock and swam to shore. She is crazy.


Jan said...

Erin - Good job! I'm so glad to see your pictures and epecially the picture of the IPOD - Be careful, and call me if you need help - for sure.

Tara Edwards said...

Mom! It's a POD! An IPod is what you listen to music on! HeHeHe!

I'm glad you finaly got up to the lake. I'm sure someday Christopher will learn to take a break even when it's hard to do it! Call this his "graduate school" time in starting his buisness!

gina said...

aren't moms great! Jan you had me cracking up! thanks :)