Almost 4 weeks old

Quincy has been getting up and staying up more often during the day. It is really fun. She actually smiled for Christopher yesterday and she wasn't sleeping. It was so adorable. I wasn't able to get it on the camera but I am sure there are more to come. Here are a couple pictures.

It is so cute, she holds her head.

She is violently sucking her thumb. She found it and then she would scratch her face,,, I had to put a blanket in her hands so she wouldn't hurt herself.

This is her after making herself mad. YES!!! She cries :-)

Lexi's hands holding Quincy


k. said...

Hooray for pictures!! I have been checking religiously for updates (several times a day). :)

C & E Hudson said...

good, what do you think? getting huh?

Elizabeth said...

Mee too I check everyday! Not that I dont love you and Christopher dancing.. I LOVE the last pic if should be in a magazine.

Patrick&Kera said...

yes, what a great idea for a photo!!! your fabulous and its SOOO fun to see more pictures of Quincy. Love it. See you guys in about 3 weeks. Super Stoked.

Jan said...

Blogs are the best!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I promise that I am not a stalker...I came across your blog from my friend Michelle-to her friend, (can't remember who?), to you! I just wanted to tell you congrats on Baby Quincy. The thing that is so trippy is that I just had a little girl, born 7/31, and we named her Quincy too. We spelled it the exact same way and everything, and I can't believe how close in age they are? I just feel the name is very uncommon, you know? Anyway, good name choice and she is very cute!! You can check out our Quincy if you would like...