So,, I been quite crafty again,, this is a quick hat I did for Quincy,, I crochet it and then last weekend we had went to the lake and Jan and I did this knitting thing and whipped up another hat ,, it was very easy and kind of fun.  ANYONE WANT A HAT?  :-)


Joanna said...

SOOOO cute!!!

Jan said...

I'm getting patterns off the internet to use with the funky hoops, but I think doing it by hand is almost faster. Yesterday in church I sat behind a little girl of about 6 who was crocheting.....It was kind of amazing to watch. If she can do it, certainly I can figure it out.

Ryan & Jeanna said...

You are so talented! When do you find time for all of these fun hobbies??

Elizabeth said...

Way to co its so cute!

Tara Edwards said...

Love the hat! E3llie would love the color :)

benandana said...

Hi Erin! Love your blog!I miss talking to you and I think we should get together some time. I have had Quincy's photos ready for over a month! But everything was really crazy because we moved. So let me know when you want to pick them up.I absolutely love this hat. Are you selling them or willing to teach? I would love to learn and make one for my little girl. Oh, yeah we're having a girl!! I hope she's as wonderful as your girls! I've just finished a rag baby quilt, so if you want to exchange lessons we can do that. Anyway, let me know how you guys are doing and let's get together.

k. said...

Very cute. Love the color & Quincy is looking SO grown up.