FUN at the LAKE

Last weekend,, we had a blast up at the Lake.  Parker and Spencer came over thursday,, we had a sleep over that night,, roller skated and eat ice cream  :-)  Then we headed up to the lake,, all the kids with me- which was great because I have the movie in the car.  Kung Fu Panda was the movie of choice,,, then we drove and did AWESOME,,, 6  kids in the car wasn't that bad for 2 hours,,, sounds crazy,, but they were great.   We then stopped and checked out the frozen lake.  There were probably about 30+ ice fisherman out enjoying the day. It kind of looked like fun.  We walked out on the ice for a quick picture.  

Then our days at the cabin were playing out in the snow,, building a snow fort,, going for hikes,,,, sledding,, getting pulled behind the snowmobile,,,, movies and just pure fun.  It really was a great time.  We can't wait for the kids to come back.  

We came up with a new name for "Ants on a Log" --- this is now known as "Moose Poop on a dirty trail",,,, this is what Christopher and the kids came up with ,,,, LOL :-)


Tara Edwards said...

They had so much fun. Now we just need to return the favor! And I want copies of the pictures!

dad said...

Don't forget the snowbiking part.