Memorial Weekend Priest Lake!!!

Cousins and Priest Lake
1-Lexi, 2-Parker, 3-Riley
Attitudes ;-)
So big!!! 
Grandma with Quincy and Danner
Cousin Fun


How do I do these stairs?
The new swing!!!

I love my puppy

Parker and Riley

Brave Lexi

Binky Baby
Quincy found a puddle

Perfect size!!
I am ready to ride!


We had an amazing time up at the lake.  As Parker had said,, "It was the best vacation EVER!"
We would all agree. It was a very good. We,, well I guess I should say,,, the kids went in  the lake. Riley jumped in probably 6 times,, Lexi went in 3-4, Avery,,,well 1 time and cried swimming back to shore. Parker and Spencer were in as well and had a blast.  Us adults,,, well we didn't go in. It was WAY TO COLD!!! We had great meals,,, crepes, hotdogs, hamburgers, & smores by the new and improved Fire Pit.  (which looks amazing!! Thank you Phil for all your hard work on it)  The kids tried to get their Roasting Card.  If you don't know what that is,, ask them.  We also rode the dirt bikes a lot.  It was fun.  Only a couple mishaps,,, but overall went well.  
We can't wait for the next trip together.  


Jan said...

Great pictures Erin!!!! ....and I just love your music....precious song

Tara Edwards said...

Love it! (and by the way, I commented on these the other day and now my comment it gone! I think blogger ate me!)

k. said...

So great. Loved seeing these, although it makes me so homesick. I can't believe how grown-up Quincy looks. Crazy!

patrick said...

i'm so jealous. i can't wait to come up next week.

patrick said...

two days since i last commented on this post. i'm just as jealous today when i looked at is again for the fifth time as i was the first time i looked at it. :( still excited to come up this friday!!!!