random pictures


k. said...

So great. Love the pictures of them holding hands & walking.

Jan said...

That's my favorite...Three beautiful sisters. The others are great too though.....They are growing up so fast!

Kera said...

Fun pictures. Super cute.

Elizabeth said...

I Love the black and white one I would blow that one up for sure.

Unknown said...

Erin, Congrats on the new edition. Looks like you are doing great! Great pics of the girls. It has been forever since I saw them. Saw your blog through Theresa's. Thought it might be you. No kids on this end yet but trying. Anyway, take care, Kristi

Kera said...

i LOVE the first picture of Quincy and the last picture of the girls. They look adorable. How cute does Avery look! I have never seen her so dressed up.