Amazing STORM

These pictures were taken about 2-3 am last week.  This storm was really amazing.   I am so excited I got the shot of the actual lightning bolts.  The other one I thought I had- it was lightning that had scattered across the sky- unfortunately it was so bright you can't see any of the actual bolts, but it lit the entire sky up as if it was day.  


Jan said...

Pretty cool! I'm glad you caught some of it....It was a pretty dramatic night, wasn't it?

dad said...

It was an amazing storm. Tara and I were up moving her boat to a safer slip. We encountered Christopher and Erin on the dock. They'd been watching for half an hour or so. We rousted Patrick and Kera out of bed to see it as well. Andrew stayed in his bed but the lightning illuminated the room as bright as day. It was incredible.

k. said...

So pretty! You need to explain to me how you made your camera do this...

Kera said...

it's amazing how light it is. too bad nobody woke me or kera up until it was almost over. :)

Joanna said...

I can't believe you got that lightening strike!!! Amazing!