more girls


Elizabeth said...

yaaaaa I am so excited. I was beginning to forget how cute your girls are.

Elizabeth said...

where is Avery in the top pic?

Kera said...

oh they are adorable. I know i saw this all the time but i can't even wait to watch them play soccer. Q is getting so old :)

Tara Edwards said...

Oh my gosh! When did the girls get braces? How fun!

Jan said...

Precious! Your girls are all so beautiful....and for the record, so sweet. I just was talking to my friend Cheryl the other day and she told me how she has loved working with Riley this year. Every time they see one and other Riley always thanks her for her help and gives her a big hug.

k. said...

Cutest pictures ever. Thanks for the update!

Joanna said...

Oh my goodness! So cute! Quincey is growing up!!! Thanks for sharing!