So check this out!!!! 


Tara Edwards said...

So.... This is interesting! Looks tippy!

Mike said...

what is it?

k. said...

Uhm... it looks... fast? What is it?! :)

Mike said...

Just watched a video of this on YouTube. Very cool.

Mike said...

just clarifying - does Christopher have a goatee in that picture, or is he sporting a handle bar mustache these days? Can't really tell from the lighting...

dad said...

I've just spent a day with Christopher and our friend Dave W. watching them rip it up with their snow bikes. It is AWESOME! Two weeks ago I didn't know this world exists, and now my world has been turned upside down. My bike should be here this week. Watch for my comments in a week or so.

Kera said...

i'm gonna ride it naked

Kera said...

Oh I am SO glad Patrick made it clear is wasn't me leaving that comment. This was quite a shocker but what is new when is comes to Christopher.

I mean that in the best of way :)