So here are the most recent pictures of the baby. The left picture is a 4D picture. It is pretty amazing,,, she wasn't really cooperating so she mashed her self inside, but you can see those cute cheeks and nose. And no,,,,that is not a horn on her forehead:-) that was the umbilical cord taht was laying up towards her face. The 2nd picture is hilarious. You can see the profile, but the thing on her head is her leg and foot,,,,her toes are touching her head and her heel is at the top,,,,can you see it??


k. said...

I love it! That is so amazing. I can't believe the pictures are SO detailed.

Can't wait to meet her!

Jan said...

What a miracle!

gina said...

How precious! I wonder who she will resemble the most? Any which way, she is beautiful!! I'm sure the girls are counting douwn your due date.

Don't forget to sneak in REST time for mommy!!