fun pictures with quincy

so i love dressing Quincy up to go out and take pictures of her. We had a fun day,, earlier, I decided I was going to make her a skirt with all of this fabric I have. Here it is ,, I think it turned out quite cute.

Halloween 2009

We went over to our friends Dave and Ginger with Quincy and trick or treated with their kids, Sydney, Zack & Lyndsey. Quincy had a good time. She liked getting in the wagon the best that we were pulling them around going from house to house.

Quincy and Danner having FUN

4th of July

Happy Birthday Tara!!!

I hope you have an amazing day. We are excited to see you guys in  couple weeks.  Hooray for SUMMER!!!!

Last weekend!

I was able to go on a flight with Bruce Georgen, a neighbor at the lake!!! It was AWESOME!!!

Christopher and Quincy getting ready for a ride. We had fun.

Quincy was having fun chasing Pilot.

Another great weekend at Priest Lake!!! The weather was absolutely amazing.