Danner laying in snow bank-  This was outside the window and she was loving it.

This is what happens when I had to take her inside!!!!!

Bedtime Stories

The girls and I, 2 of their friends and Ms Jan all went to see Bedtime stories. It was a good movie. I bought Quincy, so I was in and out but I did see some and thought it was Great!!! Can't wait to own it on video.

Oh Beautiful Bluff

Tree Shopping,,,,, hhhhmmmmm which one do I like? :-)

Recognize these trees?
This is the view looking South on to the prairie.

These are photos from around the bluff.  Very Pretty!!!

Hard to believe this was yesterday and now today it has been 35+ degrees and snow is melting.  We are expected to get snow for the next 5 days.  Weird Weather.


We have a had a fun day,,, I wanted to share with you all what the girls and I got Christopher for Christmas. I am so excited.

It is a Moultrie Trail Camera.  This is one you can mount where ever and it will take video and pictures day and night.  I am so excited.  We have seen so many animals around our place,, it would be interesting to see what we aren't seeing.  Pretty cool huh?  I will have to share the photos we get.

Snow Globe Recall!!!

So I posted on Kathryn's blog about a snow globe catching things on fire- I wasn't  joking. Check it out  HERE

Looks harmless :-)  I think this is hilarious!!!

Snow, Snow, & more Snow

This is what I saw in the back seat!!!! She kept her hat over her eye,, well actually it was Christopher's hat and it was a little big,, that would explain why it kept going over her eye,,, she thought it was funny for a little while.

Danner absolutely loves the snow!!! I forgot to tell you all she just turned 4 on Sunday!

These were taken last week when we received that first batch of snow.  We are supposed to get another 5-8 inches tonight through tomorrow and continue snowing through the weekend.  pretty crazy!!!!!

I like this of Quincy!!

Look what I saw-

I was driving to meet up with Christopher a couple days ago or so and I came across this Bald Eagle having some lunch.  I was about 30 feet or so away from it.  

christmas concert at Colbert

The girls had the Christmas Concert last week and was fun.  Quincy loved all the music but didn't want to sit still.  We ended up strolling around the halls.